It's just one of those days or weeks or months lately and I'm feeling a little down. We're still waiting on the house to sell in Atlanta and making weekly trips back and forth to Tennessee. We basically drive up on Monday mornings and back Friday afternoons which isn't that bad in the over all scheme of things. We're together and that's really all that matters right now. Mark's job is so much more demanding that ever before and he's comforted by being able to come home at night to me and Clarice. The apartment is small but we're adjusting to it and more importantly, Clarice likes it. The first car trip was hard on her and us but we've learned now the tricks that make it easier. We put a big pillow on my lap which she perches on so she can see out the windows. We also stop about half way thru the trip and walk her around so she doesn't get car sick thru the mountains. And yes, people stop, point and stare at us but hey, who cares because we look strange walking a cat no matter what country we are Mark's gonna have to make the trip alone with her next week because I'm headed home to Arkansas to a long visit.
Yep, I'm going back for two weeks and I have so much stuff I want to see and do. Of course, the most important thing is seeing my kiddos Rachel turned eighteen this month and I just don't know where the time has gone. She has grown up into such a beautiful young woman both inside and out. And I'm going on my girl's trip to Hot Springs with Dana and Kathie aka Dirty Martini Queens. I've missed the last few years trips due to work, life or living abroad but nothing was gonna stand in my way this year. I have missed them so much!
Well it's almost time to go pick Mark up at work and I'm still sitting her in my pj watching trash reality tv so better go jump in the shower.
Getting out of Dodge ~
11 hours ago
Oh how wonderful to visit with your kids Donna. Take care.
ReplyDeleteHave a treat trip! Be well and safe.