So hopefully you didn't all give up on me but I just took a break albeit a rather long one. Wish I could say it was a complete media break but I just couldn't stay off facebook regardless. I originally signed up for FB to keep up with my kiddos but instead it seems to be the forum that us "Old Folks" use instead of the younger group now. I haven't even been reading blogs which means I've missed out on a lot but promise to catch up soon.
I have been busy crafting, antiquing and just nesting at home. I love nothing more than being at my home with Clarice just stitching, hooking or playing house. Mark's been gone about 80% of the time since the holidays so Clarice and I have had a lot of quality time alone and at times maybe too much. I have picked up a new craft....wool applique! Just what I needed a new hobby but at least it uses materials I already have on hand except that I'll need to buy patterns....LOL! Actually Mark came home yesterday with all the Maggie Bonnanomi books which I had put on my Amazon wish list so that should keep me busy for a long time. What a guy, right? We don't exchange gifts for normal holidays like Christmas, birthdays, Vday or anniversaries but I get "Just Because" gifts at random times and I love it! So here's my second wool applique project from Rebekah Smith's book and I'm finishing him up today so I can start looking at my new Maggie B books to pick my next project.

Let's see also been a few great auctions and picked up some lovely things which has prompted some rearranging aka playing house. I'm not sure if I have shared a few of these so just bear with me if you've seen them before.
My first Bee Sting crock
Love the bucket and the firkin now contains toys for the neighbor boy to play with when he visits
small spinning wheel has been on my wish list since forever!
I'm so obsessed with anything sewing related
Didn't plan on buying these pictures but they were $5 so if nothing else the frames will be perfect for my needlework

Just look at the colors of this coverlet from 1876 for the Centennial Memorial Hall and I got a heck of a deal
The spoon rack
$40 for this chest
Antique sampler for $55
Look at this flower crock and the dark color just makes me swoon
Scholar's Desk which I'm going to use as a riser in the kitchen
This dated and signed coverlet just makes me swoon!
And bought these two box lots for $110 because I wanted the candle molds and bread knife so will be selling the balance of the treasures to offset my purchases. LOL! See told you that I was going a lot to the auction house. Not to mention that I've still be thrifting but not a lot of treasures have
been found lately and by that I mean the last 4 or 5 months.
Ok off not to finish up my bunny project and I'll be back later in the week to show you where I put my treasures and show you what's been going on at house lately.